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Acrylic Forest Addendum

Vincent & Theo passing out...

Last updated [26JUL2019FRI1744UTC]


Let's make the dining table comfy for the [Theo] & [Vincent] to pass out...

broken image

Or this...

broken image



broken image

Or this... If so, let's replace the candles with some good soft lighting...

So when [Theo] & [Vincent] meet at a Café, the conversation continues...

That is after flashing the agreement to conspire making homosexual script involving his son, Smerdyakov...

[Vincent]: U working with somebody?

[Theo]: Yeah, ( ) do, y do u ask?

[Vincent]: Where did u meet him? If it is him...

[Theo]: At the Van_Gogh_Projection exhibition at York... It's him...

[Vincent]: How do u feel about him?

[Theo]: King Cobra...

[Vincent]: & u like this King Cobra?

[Theo]: Money...

[Vincent]: Y don't u come with ( )...

[Theo]: Where to?

[Vincent]: ( ) place, u've been there; ( ) got some real old wine u need to check out...

The two arrive at Vincent's house; Smerdyakov is not visible...

The two walk down to the basement comfy room...

[Theo]: Smerdyakov is not home?

[Vincent]: He's gone to concert & won't b back until Sunday night...

Vincent pours something into [Theo]'s wine with his back toward [Theo]...

Vincent turns around with two glasses of wine & offers one to [Theo]; they drink & pass out...


Ocean... Vincent is rowing an old boat; it is dark & the storm is fierce; Vincent cannot discern who it is that is rescuing drowning Theo... The scene goes on until Theo is safely on the boat...


Vincent & Theo r spread out on the floor -- drugged...

Two men starting to wake up...

[Vincent]: Have u seen anything?

[Theo]: ( ) was in the ocean in the middle of a storm...

[Vincent]: &?

[Theo]: & ( ) was rescued by Ivan, the Black Market dude ( ) hang with...

[Vincent]: Then what happened?

[Theo]: The storm washed over the boat...

[Vincent]: ( ) was there too; ( ) was rowing the boat...

[Theo]: So, ( ) m gonna b drowned with the man who rescued ( ) along with u?

[Vincent]: Let ( ) ask u something, how attracted r u to this man?

[Theo]: Attracted not in the orgiastic sense, but more like strong brotherly pull... Almost sublime... Almost a worship... Disguised in mundane plane... Hard to describe...

[Vincent]: Tell ( ) were u in a dire strait when u met him? Were u homeless or about to go homeless?

[Theo]: No, it's nothing like that... It was hoping to score something big on top of what was feeding ( ), that kind of a thing...

[Vincent]: U could have fallen for some cheap magician playing with u'r mind & soul... Y he could b even designing u'r dreams featuring himself as a savior...

[Theo]: What do we do?

[Vincent]: Nothing... Now we know that we r being played upon & coming into that realization changes nothing of the reality... We r born into the stage to dance our number whether the light is broken or not...

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