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Jean_Auguste_Dominique_Ingres / 'The_Grand_Odalesque'



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Dear President Xi:

It would b so cool if China would encourage/bait/entice [Taiwan] & [Hong_Kong] to join the [NE_Asia_Unification] boom...

China & Russia having achieved tight relationship is an envious phenomenon & the rest of the Eastern side need to do some quick thinking to counter such a magnanimous feat...

If u do, u'r doing will bring about speedier mixing of the races/nationalities/species/age_old_programming which will in turn help us navigate toward the ultimate destination: Internal_Explosion -- last ( ) heard...


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Testing... [Strikingly cannot refer Self...] / [GoTo: Mozello]

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The scene_sequence for [Garage_Story] materialized at unexpected place -- [] file called [Paran_Nancho]; scroll toward far right margin, u will find it & u can view enlarged version which will b easier to read... ( ) was having difficulty putting the scene_sequence together as u might have noticed if u visited the file called [Garary_Story] at []; there r two versions -- one on the [Far_Left_Column] & one on the [Far_Right_Column]… U could compare them if u would like...



Quite a bit changed on the script -- [Garage_Story] -- especially the murderous last scene reverberating [Acrylic_Forest]; ( ) didn't know ( ) had that in ( ), Okay~

So, pls check out at the very least the LEFT_MOST_COLUMN -- especially the last_scene…



( ) would like a scene showing QUARRY for TRIMURTI arriving & rolling into the GARAGE...




Actually, ( ) would like the [whole_process] that relates to QUARRY chopped into pieces then woven into the story line:

[a] Quarry site: picking out the right size

[b] Loading up on the truck

[3] Highway driving

[4] Arrival at destination

[5] Unloading

[6] Rolling it into the Garage

Quarry / mining / Britannica

Quarry / Mining / Britannia



Spend couple of nights with [Nyle_DiMarco] in his apartment; u will gain bucketful of insight into how to weave the scene as a phantom...

! : Script_Inheritor

* : Guest_Appearance

[DiCaprio]'s role needs further development... ( ) kinda like the idea of keeping him as non_speaking phantom -- though he can interact e.g. Theodoridis suggests a cloth item when he encounters DiCaprio trying out CAGE's clothes & accepts the hanger Theo holds out to him...

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<iframe width="600" height="400" frameborder="0" src="" scrolling="no" style="overflow: hidden; margin-bottom: 5px;">Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit <a href="" target="_blank">[Garage_Story]_Storyboard</a> on MindMeister.</iframe><div class="mb-5"><a href="" target="_blank">[Garage_Story]_Storyboard</a> by <a href="" target="_blank">Paran Nancho</a></div>



( ) hope this diagram helps with the basic plot of [The_5+Samuel]…


Note: The_3 on the right c [DiCaprio], the Alter_Ego of CAGE...

{( ) wonder if the if_jailbird didn't get the permission for the movie role; more electric saw...}

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Patrick_Smith / 'Humboldt_County, CA'


Garage Story
Add paragraph text here.



Re: [Garage_Story] cast changed:

[JohnnyDepp] replaces the role of [LeeTaeSung], Okay~




[MansourTaeed]'s role needs further development; how about after u had an encounter with the [Erotic_Video_Production] scene, u request [HughLaurie] & to produce one mating video of u'r girlfriend -- [MaggieQ] -- & [MansourTaeed] as X_Mas present to his girlfriend?



[Big_Edit]: [Johnny_Depp] is the friend of garage owner, [Hugh_Laurie], so it will b [Nav_Hir] who punches out [Michael_Douglas], Okay?

So [Johnny] asking his friend [Hugh] to produce sex_tape on his girlfriend for X_Mas is no biggie...

However, let's have [Nav_Hir] gossip about the encounter at the studio during the night before when they go to pool to shoot to which scene [Johnny] comes along as [The_Original_3] bit & that's when [Johnny] tells them about his X_Mas present video_tape idea; [Mansour] says he will think about it (who happens to b a single/hermit), then Trimurti appears {but not visible to anyone other than to themselves} & plays the pool interjecting the balls in motion -- flipping [The_3_Sculptors] out & they start talking about strangeness they're encountering... The balls having mind of their own... followed by the sex_videotape…

Then [Nav_Hir] accompanies his friend [JeffReTzu]/[JeffreyKamberos] to the performance at the [American_Indian_Community_Theater]…

& [Nav_Hir] appears on the beginning & ending scene...

{FB[Nav_Hir] is a Saudi_Atheist living in London... ( ) met him on FB... We had fight over CERN/LHC...}



[MaggieQ]'s role needs further development -- maybe an affair with [MichaelDouglas] then get murdered by [PenelopeCruz] or some such...

Maggie Q




Would u let LOWE play one of the MONKS -- let him sit next to u & gossip about other Monks...




What u get for FREE from []:

Where, where, where?

* * * * * * *


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( ) once reported to [Zen_Center] in Munich about en erroneous charge made by the company, [] a few years back; they appear to b going into [Phishing_Industry]; Do_Not_Click the following URL -- destructive malware called [Uninstall] will b installed... Nasty Malware...

21st_Century Zen?



Try crossing the following with u'r next version of Edit which then shall have [Sub_Paragraphs]…

Thesis writers will love it -- there r many...

Story writers will love it -- there r many...

What stops u?

While u r at, check the following site 2:



Re: [Garage_Story]

Here is one suggestion for the [American_Indian_Community_Theater] location_shooting:

{Sometimes, Zuck listens... Is that y he sticks his face on the News again, yak~}



Do u remember while u were in the Hologram_Rm on the [USS_Enterprise][NCC-1701] via [Via_Rotterdam]/[Neo_Geonesis: The_Destiny] a Persian by the name [Mansour_Taeed] dying in the [Command_Room] while series of them ended up duplicating the same fate? That [Mansour_Taeed] is associated with [Central_Stage] above block with the URL... Check him out~



How about [Tom_Waits] arrive via horseback?


U might have to build one [American_Indian_Village_Community_Theater] -- a set -- & hire American_Indians to play the audience for one of the gig scene...


[Script_Inheritor] for the script [Garage_Story] shall change hand for the second time from [JeffRe_Tzu]/[Jeffrey_Kamberos] to [Johnny_Depp] who has played the role as an inmate thus won't have problem going in & out of prison to get the contract part squared away if necessary; dissonant beep emanated awhile from Hibernia_Bank this morning...


As for the Brits supporting [Prince_Harry], what r they doing to [Prince_William]?

If they r telling them -- nonverbally -- to do the royal throne war that is same as telling [Prince_Harry] to murder his brother, isn't it?


6 billion humanoids repenting via myriad of ways -- praying, meditating, chanting -- together may not b enough...

How about every American live on SSI monthly income & c if we can pay for the debt we r so worried about...

Let's refine that thread of thought a bit further...

After we pay off the National_Debt, the remaining portion could b divided according to the ratio of the size of the acct that had participated in Debt_Resolution, so the ranking -- Abstract stuff -- of the wealthy returns to the previous record -- the diminished numbers in their acct, which is, again, Abstract...

We don't take the Abstract ShitStuff with us when we die...

At the very least, there could emerge [Top_10%_US_Rich's_Fund] & come up with a derivative that can transact [Civilian_Loan_to_Government][CL] & fix this if it is not a deliberate FAKE_NEWS... Man~

So something went missing, huh~ U'r [Delete] is not perfect, perhaps, yeah, []~

( ) think ( ) said the DIARY should b a place where u can pour u'r inner shit out -- internal toilet -- or something in that line...

LOWE got ( ) into this mode...

So what ( ) wanna review from ( ) latest personal relationship is ( ) continued to fuck the homeless man after learning that he is still technically married though separated along with nine yard stories...

& all the unfaithful stuff that happened to him '& so on'...

Nothing bothered ( ) however colorful the stories proceeded...

Then boom, he did it to ( )...

& neither of us knew that there was invisible line that cannot b crossed until it happened...

Then the prolonged clinging...

No, ( ) m not one capable of faking a relationship -- that is not true...

Sex is not the subject matter...

When u deceive A/B/C, the wall between u & the stranger disappears...

Other than the dick matter, which is a non_matter by then...

However, when everyone transacts the same value -- deception -- as their secondary communication layered under the primary communication, the TRUTH, dissolves in the process as the byproduct...

So everything/universe scripts itself to doom because of the [Secondary_Sin]* we/humanoids committed since the first man touched_down/sprang_up/manifested_out_of_the_Blue on Earth...

There r many versions of how the egg got to b egg...

*Let's note that the [First/Original_Sin] also involved -- deception -- upon GOD...

Ulala, GOD don't like deception big bad time, folks...

What r we/humanoids gonna do?

Hooray, for CHINA banning GAMBLING...

One nasty ADDICTION...

10 Downing Street, London

Larry loses collar to Palmerston


Für Zuck:

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"Do you want this again and innumerable times again?" would lie on your actions as the heaviest weight! Or how well disposed would you have to become to yourself and to life to long for nothing more fervently than this ultimate eternal confirmation and seal?[Paragraph 341 Nietzsche "The Gay Science"];


Jedd Garet

Jedd Garet 'The Light to Question the BRICK'


( ) just read someone's Comment on a video that said: 'God must miss ( )' & ( ) was thinking -- is that like going over the Blasphemy's_Nest?

Or suicidal's soliloquy?


For [WordPress_Truth], GoTo:


So what we/Earth need to do is design New_World_Government headed by AI...

Like sex_robots, prepare many different shapes, colors, styles & pick & choose as see fit per agenda basis depending on the subject matter that needs to call mass attention on policy making, etc....

We cannot not do something akin to this if we want to navigate out of the deadlock we drove ourselves into -- by being our Slef's…

Think about it, pls...


For Twitter [@AbeShinzo][PrimeMinister_ShinzoAbe]



FB [G Creation Oil Drum Furniture]

Government, Marketing_Industry all need to participate to promote making [Oil_Drum_Furniture] look sexy & via VOUCHER, make the product irresistible...


Twitter [@AbeShinzo]/PrimeMinister_ShinzoAbe

If FRIENDLY_MERGER with either/both of Korea(s) is/r in progress at u'r initiative, GOOD_LUCK with that one & WESTERN_SAHARA could become combined [Korea(s)_Japan] VENTURE -- how exciting~

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[IHSS]/Social_Service(Alternative) representatives (1 White & 1 Black) came out yesterday to scout that ( ) don't have SHOWER in ( ) room… So no more shower for ( )… MISSION_ACCOMPLISHED~

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Donkey & Elephant r together in this~

No wonder America's Forefathers were worried about the FUTURE of America...

So Zuck,

Scroll down till u c [RED_DATE_STAMP]...


Same day latest -- thoughts/comments/throw_ups...

So now we see CLEARLY that POLITICS is made out of EGO, the most dangerous, unpredictable URANUS...

There is more chance we/RUSSIA_US press button mutually & crack the bloody bullshit ridden planet that just cannot go any further in any direction at any given time than we find workable solution...

The so-called World_Leaders cook up bogus political agenda because they don't want to deal with what needs to b dealt with e.g. [Urgent_Selection_of_Optimum_Destiny_for_JAPANESE_MIGRATION]…

If the [World_Leaders] refuse to address the matter, then, hey... Go ahead & b quiet since any which way we/all_of_us flip, we r destined to make exact same mistake the Atlanteans made...

Because it is written in ETHER that it is about time because it is cyclical thing... Deng...

Don't do nothing, just sit back & watch the NEWS... What a gastly scenario~


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& Zuck, what did ( ) tell u? Didn't ( ) tell u not to flash u'r gorgeous face on the News? Y don't u listen?

Do u really think Americans want u to run for president in 2020?

Do u really think the rest of the world want u to b the next US president?


What can ( ) do to divert u'r interest? Do u wanna b in the movie? ( ) will give some thought as to what kind of role u could b playing...

( ) say this because ( ) recognize u'r appetite for limelight... Politics is not the only route to channel such desire... So pls pls give some thought, Okay?

On the second thought, u got noodles of money, u could hire the most able script_writer & pour lots of money in & make it look great -- u'r whole family; y don't u take u'r family World_Tour -- lot's of great sceneries & u can afford that while u r still young, so u can enjoy more...

As for ( ), ( ) ain't adding u in ( ) script -- for doing that will ruin the script, dig?

R u still in love with ( )?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Do u remember the picture of Alexander -- ( ) just saw that, so it must b in one of ( ) websites, but which one? ( ) go look c...

Meanwhile, here is the second script, ( ) mean third -- y, u were in [The_Journey] -- that makes it the fourth:

When/if [Archie_Kao] comes over for the movie script ( ) m presently working on -- [The_5+Samuel] -- to do a scene with [Alec_Baldwin], would u invite him over & offer him to u'r wife as X_Mas_Gift? Of course u r free to do the filming u'r Self & pass it around only among u'r closest Friends -- via FB or otherwise...


Then u ask [Archie_Kao] to script together [The_Journey_de_Zucks] focusing on the children -- U2 r doing a good job of raising u'r kids, so y not the two households with 2 children travel to meet with [Theo_Theodoridis] & [Agnes_Mara] with their twin babies, then have a scene with [PrinceHarry_&_DuchessMeghan] with Archie & have Archie_Kao hold Archie_HarryMeghan_Windsor…

With involved's consents Archie's_PrinceDad & Archi_Kao could b playing video_game together...


Of course, if the idea sells...

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( ) go look for that stuff...

Guess what, Zuck…

( ) changed ( ) mind because if ( ) let u pose as Alexander_the_Great with Theo_Theodoridis {thus making a business out of whoever wants to b either Alexander_the_Great or Diogenes_the_Cynic -- since ( ) had suggested Professor_PietroBoselli to play Alexander_the_Great already some months ago} -- u'r LIVER will BALLON UP & make u prance about like an idiot...

But if u must,



No, U2... Not the presidency the governorship of the 58th state of U.S.A, Cuba...

Keep their economic system whatever the label they may use, when u make their lives better & happy u'r model will not only inspire mainland USA but also rest of the world...

Go for it, Bezos...

Today's photo on MSN look good...



[1] Twitter site [@IanSaph1] password changed

[2] email address used belongs to Yahoo, but Yahoo no longer supports ( ) Browser_IE

[3] ( ) copied the Tweets ( ) sent u -- the most, since u r the [Script_Inheritor]

[4] ( ) will try to piece together from what ( ) copied to come up with [Scene_Sequence]

It might take awhile...


p.s. From here on, the MOST RECENT DATE goes to the TOP...

p.p.s. Latest Website listing the Movie_Script_Skeletons:

p.p.p.s. Pls inform FB[Lee_Tae_Sung]/Twitter[@leetaesung2] that ( ) request he not participate in any movie deals from US/JAPAN: Thank you...


What a wild YESTERDAY...

Three(3) FB accounts evaporated by 6pm_UTC...

& after a brief possibility of setting up a new account, it appears FB has decided not to let ( ) create another site -- da ri ra~

Well, tomorrow could b another bumming out day -- ( ) today later on, after ( ) wake up...

Nighty night, folks...


5_hours since ( ) got on the phone to [TracFone] -- problem has not been solved... No, one problem was solved, then another problem was created so ( ) have a heart attack & die... Comprendez?

This is AMERICA... Or America just before death_certificate is issued?


On top of that, no org will give ( ) another email address, b that [Outlook], [Google], [AOL]…


( ) provided everything FB requested for setting up a new account -- [cellphone_#] & a [photo] & still ( ) need to wait...

For what?

Forget FB...

( ) will prove humanoid can live without FB just fine -- in fact, better...

O, ( ) m permanently [SUSPENDED] from Twitter...

What's more? It appears ( ) won't b receiving [Amazon][Tablet] either -- some problem, they say...



What if we/Americans who voted/rigged the election were wrong?


If today's low is the outcome of such demise, then y not we frantically try to bandage by letting [Hillary_Clinton] do her spin for the remainder of the term; we cannot not afford imagination sprinkling where/when needed so tremendously...


If not now, when?


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FB [Mahakala]


Let's decipher what RT says:

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[1] If RT is referring to Trump's age, 73, as 'dinosaur, Queen_Elizabeth_II is 93 which means Trump can pump another 20 years no problem...

[2] If RT is referring 'dinosaur' to G7, it is a criticism that G7 does not qualify to b the [New_World_Government], because they will only manage in-fights & nothing else...

[3] If RT is correct, that means what is most important at this hour will not b addressed thus the doom guaranteed...

[4] Then what is the [Most_Important] agenda at this hour?

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& ( ) cannot say RT is being absurd, because FB was 'hiding' ( ) posts regarding ( ) criticism over CAPITLISM, doing of which led to opposition faction blocking ( ) cellphone, TRACFONE, thus disabling ( ) FB sites (3) -- after FB brought about sudden U_Turn requiring cellphone number to open ( ) sites...

Not only FB, ( ) replacement Tablet (5th) from Amazon has been blocked -- so Bezos cannot mess with ( ) inputs regarding ( ) criticism over CAPITALISM...

YouTube 'fixed' a scene from [Never_Say_Never_Again] when ( ) returned to continue viewing the movie where ( ) left off before taking a break -- at a 007 pointing pistol frontally just like FB had done some months before; YouTube had been fucking with ( ) for the very same reason as all the above listed -- the Have's anguish...

In other words, RT may not b absurd or off or wrong...

Which means Haves don't want to change what they have & Haves formulate PRESIDENCY, which means nothing is going to change, which means the CANCER America/World is suffering now will go into TERMINAL phase...

So who is causing the downfall of CIVILIZATION?

Now, let's analyze DW post on the agenda:

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Germany's [Social_Democratic_Party][SPD] is the opposition party presently; how often does DW present opposition party's agenda? How often do u see the post floating? Like a needle in a hey stack?

& is that y the agenda is covered in such a lame manner? Is this the AD that will move the hearts & minds of the people of Germany on the most important agenda that could wipe out the epoch? Or is this AD catered not to stir the Have's nerves making it look as though it is a matter with zero signication? A mere fulfillment over the criticism that Germany is not addressing the subject matter that will then get buried under the 'other' everchanging most pressing issues which is concocted just so this issue does not gain momentum...

So, there r other Have's who cannot tolerate not being at the top (even for a few minutes) keep on manufacturing ever urgent near chaos so to cause the mass to forget what is most important because that is what is most important -- if the disgruntled s/he cannot b at the top, the next best thing to his/her mind is to hinder others from achieving...

Just read the line: 'Will a wealth tax halt inequality?'

If anything, it is a question soaked in disbelief, isn't it?

As though who gives a shit about INEQUALITY...

In other words, it is same as saying, 'Whose fault is it for those not happening not happening?'

Now, the following clip proves three(3) things:

[1] RT's stance correct that [G7] will amount to nothing other than continuous in-fight

[2] It also proves that [Committee] based structure ineffective e.g. Catholic vs Orthodox; Shia vs Sunni

[3] It could also bring about the destruction of [Nord_Stream]…

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& UK could become US vassal state?


No, how about: 'Is it possible UK wants to become US?'



& it's not like Germany & France r not invited...

As a matter of fact, all of Europe may consider the possibility as the survival tactic...

Europe will never achieve UNIFICATION -- too many Top_Dogs…

& the situation calls for radical change in a split seconds...

With all of us together -- Europe & US -- as one(1) country, how progressive could we b?

Soon or later, this planet needs [Unified_Government]…

Europe & US becoming one(1) country could start the inevitable ball rolling...

So how about it, guys...

U r right, if u r suspecting that ( ) have not given up the ambition to score one Nobel_Peace_Prize…

This is 21st_century, so let's act like we belong to 21st_century, Okay?


Just for fun, how about online voting whether or not to become [#57: UK] / [#58: Europe]?

Isn't it amazing UK prefers US over Europe?

Now, let's move on to Middle_East…

( ) hereby propose ISRAEL & IRAN play musical_chair for three(3)_nights/four_days which means Natanyahu & Rouhani will switch places & process the things_to_do from their enemy's INBOX which they already r familiar with via spying anyway... Therefore, it will b a duck_soup project, then they could move on to switching male_citizens of two cities -- Teheran & Jerusalem -- for the same duration then with popular demand upgrade to three years then to infinity, etc....

Like it?

& y is US having problem with CHINA?

CHINA seems to b cool with animal_flu; US don't have problem arranging couple of those & say RUSSIA is doing it -- which RUSSIA did, so how can RUSSIA prove that they will never do it again?