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Connected Bicycle Energy

Business Proposal

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Desired_Spec_Detail : Built_in Laptop with adjustable Jumbo_Screen & enhanced chair design (perhaps with higher & sturdier back with adjustable angle & cushioned seat for lengthy ride & varying chair sizes (with adjustable height) to accommodate the different human ass sizes) that is more conducive for working that can b easily placed at home (for those who prefer working at home) & at work...

The above graphics is an approximate example of what ( ) have in mind...


Prejudice comes from education (alas!), tradition (family!!) & gossip (friends!!!) which is enhanced by personal experience -- IMHO...

With such insight, this proposal's constituents r assortments of personal friends ( )'ve encountered during this life time -- in the U.S., the melting pot -- who had helped ( ) shed the evil of 'prejudice'...

Proposal_Inheritor : [Daniel_Pardel]

Proposed Factories at : [N_Korea], [Bulgaria] & [Algeria]

Proposed Technical & Investment Pool : The Rest

[1] Black_America : [Teo_Vincent]

[2] China : [David_Chen] of

[3] Japan : [Atsushi_Yuki]

[4] S_Korea : [Woo_Hyun_Paik]

[5] Russia : [Vladimir_Putin]

[6] Iran : [Mansour_Taeed]*

[7] Pakistan : [Kishwar]* {inquire via [Mansour_Taeed]}

[8] India : [Sundar_Picai]

[9] N_Korea : [Kim_Jong_Un]

[10] Bulgaria : [Veselin_Boshnakov]

[11] Algeria : [Red_Ouane]

[12] Slovakia : [Daniel_Pardel], Team_Leader

So, those who r interested in investing on this project should line up with the above listed members...


( ) much doubt ( ) need to elaborate what ( ) have in mind...

However, as a perfunctory process, the following follows:

Electronically 'connect' all the exercise bicycles worldwide that can generate energy while the riders can work while exercising via the built-in laptop -- multi-tasking...

Nify, ain't it?

Well, get busy folks...