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Mexican American Problem

[1] Via FB, ( ) have befriended one Mexican_American Painter/Musician/Psilocybin_addict/Taoist, [Jeffrey_Kamberos] who went by [JeffRe_Tzu] when ( ) met him -- 2016, though he might have been tracking ( ) longer because he & ( ) both knew, via FB, a Saudi_Atheist living in London {which ( ) learned quiet by accident; the Saudi_Atheist & ( ) FB_Friendship didn't last long; ( ) argumentative side got on the wrong side of him} -- because he felt Mexicans have bad reputation as 'Thieves'...

There is more to this Chicago painter who had failed three(3) marriages & is determined not to marry again, but he has a girlfriend who gave him a daughter at the end of 2017 (or had intentional 'wrong_baby' for him) & uses the last name 'Kamberos' as her last name on her email address... {It cost ( ) $70 to find that out...}

( ) m 66 years old & went through a painful relationship problem just before ( ) met Kamberos {that one was ( ) #2_boyfriend after having gone through 30 years of celibacy; a white homeless dude from East Coast while being homeless whose three(3) wives had cheated on him} & after one year, he needed 'Blow_Job' which ( ) don't facilitate & cheated on ( ) & made ( ) go through 13 break ups with him & Kamberos knows the incident well because ( ) was posting every nitty gritty detail of ( ) problem with #2 {incidently #1 had cheated on ( ) for $40 wine too 30 years before ( ) met #2} who had been a printer, computer wizard, video_game maker, etc.}{Both #2 & Kamberos turned out hackers; #2 couple of years older & Kamberos couple of years younger, ( ) think; both Sagittarius} on FB & ( ) was consciously avoiding befriending men with girlfriend(s), but Kamberos 'lied' that he is a single & unattached & a Taoist_Roshi {apparently he studied painting in Milan & received his Roshi title in Rome} & was ( ) sole FB friend during 2017; when he figured that fact out, he assumed he is someone 'important' in ( ) life & started 'scripting' personal_relationship which ( ) did not welcome; he paid to change the light bulbs in ( ) bldg. {( ) counselor happens to b another Mexican} for entire 100 or more tenants, etc. -- adding chunks of meat to the produce distribution days via the Mexican provider & ( ) could not dissuade him doing such...

Then ( ) wrote a script that involves 'masturbating' scene with a 'vacuum_cleaner' after Kamberos told ( ) about [Frank_Zappa] having used 'vacuum_cleaner' for 'masturbation & he was willing to perform the scene, but the rest of the cast did not respond whether they want in on the movie & it went nowhere...

Then ( ) wrote another script that features a painter who is also a musician & Kamberos was willing to do the role, but ( ) gave the script to a S_Korean actor who had subsequently deleted* the script because it so happens that a Mexican_American soldier had flattened a teen age girl with a military tank some years back; apparently there had been a flood of Mexicans arriving in S_Korea then & they were making bad news with rape charges & they got kicked out of S_Korea since...

*( ) didn't know that the script had been deleted & tried to sell the script up until couple of days ago & learned that the S_Korean website -- -- had removed the site which they had made into 'Read_Only' site...

This painter went through quite a bit of gymnastics where he stood with ( ); first he painted as though he cares great deal about ( ) speaking out & wanted to make ( ) shut up...

Kamberos happens to call himself 'Pataphysicist' -- politically motivated artist -- & he & his friend forged over 100 fake accounts (same name); ( ) had over 1,000 FB friends then, but shed all of them since because it so turned out that many other FB friends were doing the same thing... {Because ( ) had made the privacy on ( ) accounts 'Friends_Only' at some point...

So that's how Kamberos became one & only FB friend which fueled to enlarge his imagination that ( ) m deeply in love with him especially after he 'confessed' that he has $200mln bank account -- inheritance; not once did he ask how ( ) felt about him as a personal_somebody…

Then ( ) got mad at him for having lied to ( ) about his girlfriend, but his girlfriend turned out 'cool' {or managed to put on 'cool' composure over Kamberos having lied to her as well -- the whole year while she was carrying his baby {or somebody else's baby who approximately looks like him, a Latin embryo(?)} & didn't trip, so things went on some more...

Then as the script was not going anywhere & ( ) was not interested in having a personal relationship with him, he turned sour & started using 'political' agenda to get vindictive for ( ) having 'rejected' him -- whereas in truth ( ) never 'accepted' him as a personal_somebody, though he was mildly 'interesting'...

So some two(2) years after having met him, he has turned into a mortal 'enemy', & the political situation between Mexico & America having grown out of its proportion only serves Kamberos' bitter heart as a juicy bait after bait...

[2] ( ) have a [Provider] via a Social_Service_Agency who is a Mexican {( ) don't know if she is US citizen or not} to whom ( ) gave a check to deposit at the Social_Service_Account...

[3] ( ) have just looked into ( ) bank account & found erroneous charge by a company ( ) never heard of...

[4] FB flashed [Jeffrey_Kamberos] when ( ) tried to [Save_As] a file; the screen showed a directory not intended to save the file at that listed Kamberos at the top...

[5] Loud [Electric_Saw] noise is emanating from the backyard; Mexican workers have been polluting the air with loud [Electric_Saw] at the adjacent bldg., [Hibernia_Bank], that so conveniently has ongoing construction, or made_believe construction & rampant [Electric_Saw] noises had been abused by more than one politicians...

[6] This nation cannot control [Mexican_Americans] who supply cocaine to the politicians who cannot live without...

[7] Forget about [Iran], America is at war with Mexico & the cocaine addicted American politicians r on denial & don't want to do anything about [Mexican_Americans] which is synonymous to having lost the nationhood to Mexico adding to ongoing problem with [Iran] & [Russia]...

[8] Russia does not have a missile launching site in Mexico yet, but soon will at the going rate...

[9] Russia is mad because America put military bases in Europe, so y should Russia not have military base in South_America -- tit for tat...

[10] Problem is how are we going to resolve this problem? Let's say both countries agree to withdraw the military bases, but how in the world are the two countries (political rivals) trust the other won't leave a hidden military base somewhere?

[11] The problem is [TRUST] that is lost & cannot b rebuilt between the two nations (like two lovers who had cheated on the other) because things have deteriorated so much; the only thing left now is to watch which country emerges as the final winner...

[12] That is before adding the Trade_imbalance problem with China... A very sorry situation...