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Msg to Jeff_Bezos


Last updated : [20JUL2019SAT1652UTC]

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With hope u now can handle ( ) further critique better, ( ) hereby propose that u change the objective of ill_gotten idea of [Space_Flight] to something constructive, sane & conscientious agenda of building the [Above_Ozone_Human_Dwelling]/[A.O.H.D] with u'r like minded space_cadets:

Jeff_Bezos : [Blue_Origin]

Elon_Musk : [Space_X]

Richard_Branson : [Virgin_Galactic]

( ) understand u r concerned about the inevitable depletion of Earth's Natural Resources by humans, but that will b taken care of by the organizations like NASA, ESA & the likes...

Humans don't change their habits quickly; they will keep on throwing away plastic bags into the ocean...

U know it & ( ) know it...

Nor will they stop chopping down trees to build houses faster than replenishing them...

Nor will they stop harvesting harmful vegetation such as Coca plants, Opium, etc....

Nor will they stop flying airplanes anytime soon...

& finally, who is u'r market for the so-called [Space_Flight]?

The Richs... Shame on u... That is practically same as building a department store catering to the millionaires, isn't it?

If the people who have the money (lots & lots) don't do the right thing, who do u leave the task to?

Besides, any nation on Earth that can squeeze their budget will send rockets to space, aren't they?


Because it is a form of a weapon, isn't it -- don't bother denying that...

& humans won't b shedding their paranoia, nor will they shed age old enemity...

So the proposal ( ) m suggesting here is not just for the trio listed above, but also those nations that r willing to shell out their budget (conscientiously affordable or not) go in together to build what needs to b done if we want the Next_Generation humans to perpetuate -- after 'we' disappear into NOTHINGNESS...

Humans haven't figured out how to make WATER yet -- enough to replenish ocean if Nibiru or its cousins suck the ocean out of Earth as they pass by Earth in near collision distance sometime in the future...

What happened to our sense of RESPONSIBILITY?

& somebody's got to start & y not u?


p.s. The list should speak for itself...

500,000 x 500 = 250,000,000

U donated $2,000,000,000?

Well, that covers every homeless American one(1) Airport_Capsule_Home & what should b the next on the list for sucking the remaining donation?

[1] Self_Cleaning_Restroom

[2] Cafeteria

[3] Laundry_Room

[4] Shower

[5] Clinic

[6] Second_handed_clothes & alteration service to cater to the Have_Nots

[7] Food & Water

[8] Hangout_Joint

[9] Storage

[10] Financial_Service_for_Creditcards_debts_+

U get the drift...

In other words, the newly criticism is that donating $2,000,000,000 is nothing if u don't have a concrete plan as to how to implement that sum...

It is not that kind of thing...

It is something deep....

It needs to establish [Department_of_Homeless] which will undoubtedly add a branch -- [Department_of_Have_Nots] if not concurrently; if u don't want to (a.k.a. allergic to ) convert to Communism, then u need to construct a [Patch] so to not having to necessitate the lacking that which may exist in dreaded Communism that which we only need to venture if we 'consciously' fail to solder in time from within -- willing to go any length to cure the fatal erreur...

In crude simpleton's perception of 'Capitalism' is:

[1] It is a flawed concept that produces/excretes [Have_Nots]

[2] Add to the byproduct, the excretion, the flawed concept itself creates double_flawed_reality which is not flawless

[3] On top of that, there is no provision as to how to right the wrong of the glitch-ridden motherboard...

So put all three(3) listed above parts & c what kind of monster final product we get...

[4] & more than anything if u {& the politicians} r deceiving the Have_Nots by announcing that u donated large sum {but without a concrete plan or website that reports the progress with transparency}, would b equivalent of inviting auto-Harakiri not only upon one Capitalistic country (America) but large chunk -- no greater part} of this planet, aka [Recipe_for_Armaggadon] not caused by nuclear bomb, but caused by the skewed economic policy that which is born out of human skull, comprendez?

The doubt/suspicion is the byproduct of u'r busy life:

[1] Amazon

[2] Blue_Origin

[3] Girlfriend

[4] Homeless_Cause


U, Bezos, not only have money, u also have brain but u'r antenna is a bit off which causes u'r magnet to b slipping from the center causing a wobble that is about as clinically ( ) can bugger u out at the moment...

As is what we have is equivalent of metropolis without the septic system...

Or Capitalism induces previously unknown variation of appendicitis Earthlings don't have knowledge of curing or have a developed enough sense (due to Capitalism's prenatally embedded amnesia) to know that it is past due serious appendectomy...

Let's examine the system of US government:

There rumors that an organization -- Bilderberg? -- that brew/formulate US_presidency…

( ) doubt much any of the members of the Bilderberg (or by any name that functions the above described mechanism) has ever experienced [Homelessness] or having been the [Have_Nots] -- like Bezos(?) -- the probable cause of prolonged undetected paralysis...

If left alone -- the self_deceiving, ridden with false contentment [Capitalism] is healthy, will suffocate in its own cancer cells thus transform into unknown stasis from which will rise a [Phoenix_of_Fix]…

Or u wish...

p.p.s. ( ) set up one [Pinterest] site for people to post their opions/ideas about how to solve [Homeless] problem, but [Pinterest] is designed to choose [5 groups of interest] at the start that fill up the BOARD; u need to either find a more suitable website or talk to [Pinterest] to b able to start with no pre-pinned images/posts or pins/posts that can b added as needed basis... Here follows the [Pinterest] site ( ) set up as an example:

Bottomline, if u mean what u said, then do it right...

If u fail, America will b in deep trouble...

Cause of [Homeless/Have_Nots] must b on the list to battle for the annual_national_budget; a piece of American_pie… Get it?

& let's not forget giving equal credence to the cause of [American_Indians], if we haven't done it already...